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September New Moon in Virgo

I'm back, witchy bitches! I've been without a computer for a long time now, as I'm sure you've noticed. You know you missed me. How ironic is it that on the first day of Mercury Retrograde, I'm able to pick up a brand new laptop? And how fitting it is that a New Moon is just around the corner. This is a ritual for the September New Moon, which falls in the sign of Virgo.

The Great Dragon-Mother

(Yeah, I know. It's Game of Thrones. You try searching "Dragon Mother" in this day and age and see what you find.)


The goddess Tiamat of the Middle East was the goddess of the primal abyss. Her worshippers called her a She-Dragon, who was sometimes evil, sometimes good. She was portrayed as part animal, part bird, part serpent. She ruled over destruction, revenge, karmic discipline, salt water, war, evil, despair, dark magick, death regeneration, and rituals. (If this isn't perfectly fitting for a Dark Moon during Mercury Retrograde, I don't know what is...)

Knowledge of the Dark Mother is a necessity if we are to grow spiritually. We must lose the programmed fear we have been taught and realize that she is more than death of the body. The Dark Mother helps with karma, self-discipline, and despair. Tiamat helps with despair in that she can show us what caused the problems troubling us (often from past lives) and what the future may hold if we change our paths even slightly.


To contact Tiamat, the Dark Mother, burn three black candles that have anointed from the wick to the end with wisteria oil. Set the candles in a triangular pattern, with one at the top and two at the bottom. Burn sandalwood incense. If you have a dragon statue, particularly a black one, place that beside the candle. Dress in black, or very dark, clothing or robes. Hold a piece of crystal in your hands as you sit before the burning candles. Say:

She-Dragon of the dark abyss,

Mother of dark magick, regeneration,

Help me to learn discipline,

That my karmic path may be smooth.

Lift your hand against harmful enemies.

Lead me in the knowledge of true rituals.

Bring the crystal to your third eye in the center of your forehead. Close your eyes and watch the swift flow of pictures. You may well find yourself seeing scenes from past lives that influence your present one. Don't strain to see anything, just let it flow. When you are finished, stand before the candles and raise your arms, the crystal visible in one hand. Say:

The Sun is black within your realms,

Yet shine it does, a mirrored light,

To give me insight, strengthen faith,

To comfort me in blackest night.

There is no end to life or growth

Unless the soul and mind be dead

To truth and knowledge, openness.

Before me gentle hands are spread

In compassion, tenderness.

O Great Dark Lady, my soul do bless.

Extinguish the candles. Sleep with the crystal under your pillow for seven nights. Pay close attention to any symbols you see in your dreams, as well as in your waking time during this period.

Did you enjoy this spell? Give it a try! Snap a picture of your altar and email it to me at for a chance to be featured on the website! Post it on Instagram with #WitchBitchArmy so everyone can see your amazing altar! You could win my monthly prize!

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